Changes in life
Expats and relocation
Personal development and empowerment coach
Tropism describes the growth or change in direction of a biological organism, usually a plant, in response to an environmental stimulus. Migration or relocation brings us all to the point where we undergo a similar process.
The Tropism
A journey for a change in life
Life can be a wonderful journey but sometimes we face challenges and obstacles that are difficult to overcome alone. Or we simply don’t know how to overcome them.
Sometimes you know you need a change in life. But there are thoughts that prevent you from advancing, or even stop you from getting what you want. You have a feeling that you are stuck. You feel that you don’t fulfil yourself.
You may also have bad habits that you want to change. Your doctor may tell you that it is time to make a change but you postpone it or don’t know where to start.
Moving to another country is a huge change that affects you and your surroundings.
You dream big. You see endless possibilities, you want to travel, you're excited to meet different people and make new friends. There is also the thrill of a break from your normal routine. The freedom to start something new.
Then you arrive to the new country and the big dream sometimes does not come through or you find that it is more difficult than you thought… What happens when you realise that things are not quite what you expected? Everything is so different; it can be cold and unwelcoming. You miss your family, your friends and your country of origin. You yearn for the simple, familiar markers in life…
Relocation can, however, be a very exciting period of your life. There is so much you can accomplish in this novel situation. Getting to know where you are heading reduces the amount of stress and helps you cope with the inevitable challenges.
How can I help
Whether you yearn for a change in your life or have relocated, I can help you achieve a more meaningful life.
I offer a set of innovative and dynamic sessions, specifically developed for you as each journey is unique. You will find the resources to thrive, keeping you in better physical and mental health.
My coaching expertise:
Changes in life
Accompanying the process of growth, development and perseverance
Cultural and social integration including overcoming social fear
Economic integration - accompanying you to achieve your goals, whether finding a new job or creating a satisfactory activity
Burnout and career reorientation
Time management and stress reduction
In addition to lectures, I consult privately or in small groups via workshops.
In my workshops and lectures we learn about the process of integration and acculturation, the importance of networks in the process of integration and how to create a meaningful network that will lift you and support you, and more importantly how to make sense of our life so to be able to flourish in all its aspects, to reduce stress and to manage to live your life to the fullest.
Time management
From procrastination to action
Learn how to manage your time smartly to enable to do all that you wish.

Social Integration
Approaching new people can be very difficult for some of us. Adding to it, cultural barriers can make it even worse. So how do you make new friends within a new cultural framework?

Stress reduction: adults, teenagers and students
We live in a period of uncertainty, which can lead to stress, isolation, discouragement and possibly the feeling that it is too much on you…
Sometimes you study for your exams and you feel that you know the material, but when you face the paper you see it all black… you are blocked.
My name is Efrat. I have lived in Belgium for over 20 years. Through learning languages, studying, social life and work, I have transformed Belgium into my home.
As an academic, I have spent over 20 years conducting research and interacting with different migrant groups, especially voluntary migrants.
I obtained a PhD in the field of migration, identity, identification and integration. My research examined the life of migrants in Brussels and how they make their new place home. My fields of expertise are social networks, identity formation, transnational living, empowerment among migrants, employment and migration, and existence at cultural crossroads.
I also have Master’s degrees in medical anthropology, and migration studies. My BA is in sociology and education.
As part of my life journey, I continue to learn and specialize. I followed trainings such as CBT, mindfulness, self-compassion, time management and more.
My interest in the topic of migration is informed by my personal journey. I moved to Belgium with my partner and living as a migrant designated the subject of my PhD. I met people in similar circumstances and listened to their stories. Together, we found ways to bring them to real happiness and stability during their time away from home.
Resources concerning my academic work can be found here.